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We’re going in the wrong direction… February 4, 2015

Posted by forwardfinancialplanning1 in 401k plans, Pensions, Retirement Savings, Retirement Spending, Roth IRA, Traditional IRA.

The Center for American Progress has just released a study that can hardly be deemed as “progress”.

About 31% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement and also lack a defined benefit plan, such as a traditional pension. Among the age group closest to retirement (55-64 year olds), about one fifth (19%) reported no savings at all.

Of the 55-64 year olds who have saved something for retirement, the median retirement account balance was only $14,500. If you strip out the households who have saved nothing, the median retirement account balance of this age group rises only to $104,000.

While $104,000 is not an insignificant sum, it’s not going to support the life style that most of these households expect. Using the withdrawal rule of thumb which allows annual distributions of about 4%, we’re still only projecting about $5,000 per year. And income taxes will eat up a portion of this as well!!

Looks like a lot of people are going to be working well into their 70’s—or depending on the government. Neither of these outcomes look like progress to me.


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